Seminar response week six

This week in Julia's seminar, we did an excercise where everyone in the seminar picked quotes from The Good Person Of Szechewan and shared those quotes with the class. Julia put forth the quote that said, "How can I be good when everything is so expensive?" This quote struck quite a familiar chord with me and made me relate to the text very much. In recent times I have lost my job and been more broke than ever before. I have found that the more broke you are, and in turn the more expensive everything seems, it becomes harder and harder to remain "good". I have had a job for a long time and having funds has never been that big of a concern to me because I have always had them. Once that job was taken away from me and there was no money coming in however, my situation changed drastically. I had to spend all of my time in the pursuit of a new job, and when I spent all day getting rejected by businesses it definitely did a number on my psyche. This in turn has affected my desire to do "good" in school, because it seems like getting food in my stomach and paying the bills is a more important matter. It has also affected my personality, and sometimes I havent been the most "good" friend or boyfriend because I have been asleep and not there for those close to me. In turn, the quote " How can I be good when everything is so expensive?" hits very close to home. It has been quite an experience having close to no money, but it has had some serious consequences in my life. Just this week though, I got a job so maybe, just maybe, I can start being "good" again!
Submitted by Garrett on Fri, 11/02/2007 - 8:46am. Garrett's blog | login or register to post comments | printer friendly version